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Welcome to Church on the Move
You are welcome here.
We are a growing multi-generational, bilingual, warm Latino culture church of people on the move for Jesus.
What to Expect

Friendly People
Church on the Move is a warm, engaging, friendly Latino culture. Join us for coffee and pastries before the service starts for a time of fellowship and getting to know each other.

Live Music
The talented worship team leads us into engaging worship with a Latino vibe. The lyrics are projected on screens in both Spanish and English.

Encouraging Messages
Practical and gifted preaching by Pastor Tim is in Spanish and translated into English. The whole service lasts about an hour and 15 minutes.

Growing Together
Our desire is that everyone will take their next step in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Living Out Our Faith
We desire to live out our faith in our communities and around the world. Our heart is to be a life-giving church. We seek to give back to our local community in tangible ways.

We desire to be a church planting other churches, multiplying Christian leaders, and sending missionaries out locally and abroad.

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How will I find the church?
As you arrive at the church property (118 N. Oak St.) you will see the orange and white signs that say Church on the Move. Please park and walk into any of the side doors on the church grounds. You will see one of our people waving and inviting you in for coffee and pastries.
Do I need to dress up?
You will see some people dressed up and others dressed casual. We have no expectations for attire. Come as you feel comfortable.
What is it like?
Some words that people us to describe our church are: authentic, bi-lingual, biblical, diverse, welcoming, caring, contemporary, energetic, and Jesus.
What is your pastor like?
Pastor Tim Sewell is dynamic, energetic, authentic, and funny. His leadership provides direction, vision, and wisdom for our church.
Tim is a ‘people person’, he loves meeting new people. He especially loves nothing better than spending time with his wife Barbara, and his three young children. Check out one of his current messages.
What about my kids?
We have a great program for kids from birth through high school. We are committed to ministering to children and youth.
In partnership with our neighboring church, First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid, we provide leaders and volunteers for our children and youth programs throughout the week. We have invested in the best Christian-based curriculum for each age group because every child is important to God and us.
Do I need to give an offering?
No. We have no expectation that our guests and new attendees will give a financial offering. Come and be blessed!
Church on the Move
A multi-ethnic church moving towards God in worship, discipleship, service, and surrender.
Have a question?
Ask us a question and we’ll be in touch to help provide you with an answer!